Use Coupons For Your Window Cleaning Business!
One sunny afternoon as I was standing outside a movie theater, a man in an apron came passing around coupons for his small ice cream shop across the street – A free scoop of ice cream when you buy two scoops at the regular store price. I immediately knew I was going to pay them a visit when the movie was over (true story).
That coupon for a free scoop of ice cream brought me into their ice cream shop for the very first time (and it certainly was not the last). So what does this have to do with your window cleaning business? Coupons are a excellent way of attracting painting contractors brisbane new AND life-time customers! They’re very practical because of being cheap to print and easy to distribute. If your not thinking of going all out you can print them on your own computer at home, maybe even pay to have them put in your local newspaper or the penny saver. You can have them delivered to local (high end) households through the post office. Put them under windshield wipers of parked cars (although this might seem annoying at times it’s good for local promotion), or pass them out to local storefronts.
Passing out coupons is one thing, but making a coupon that ACTUALLY WORKS is another. Before you start ordering coupons or using up all your printer ink think of an appealing offer. Why should they call you? What benefits come from having their windows cleaned? You DO NOT want a coupon that just tells the public what you do for a living, you want a coupon that will give them a reason to pick up there phone and call you. Make your add stand out from the competition. Almost all window cleaners offer free screen washing, who REALLY cares? You’re trying to STAND OUT and be noticed (do not get me wrong free screen cleaning is a good bait, BUT you have to admit its getting old), how about free hard water removal? Obviously not on all the windows, but why not the first one or two? How many window cleaners do you know of that make that kind of offer ?? EXACTLY … You might have lost the twenty / maybe thirty dollars clearing up hard water spots on two windows but what could you have gained? The profit from the rest of the house? A referral from a very happy customer? A LIFE-LONG customer?
Do not trick yourself into thinking the only way you’ll make money is to stingy with your pricing, offers, and coupons. Think outside the box with your offers, and you’ll end up with a foot in over all your competition.