February 6, 2025


Qualified fashion technicians

On Men's Jewelry

Gone are the days when only women, kings and men of higher stature made jewelry. With the influence of the fashion and the movie industry, men and women alike have now equal preference for elegant accessories and jewelry.

Men who only wore watches are now a thing of the past. Rings, bracelets, necklaces and cufflinks are now becoming a part of men's jewelry set. Men, like women, now have the ability to add style to their overall look because of these pieces of jewelry.

What's more interesting to note is that, besides the fact that it's no longer just watches for men nowdays, but also the other accessories that he can wear have a wide range of designs to choose from to match his personality.

While there are silver, gold and platinum rings, there are also the same – silver, gold, platinum – cufflinks. This makes men's wardrobe more fun because of the opportunity to mix and match. Men could prefer to wear all silver throughout – silver watch, silver ring, silver bracelet and silver cufflinks. The same also goes for the other types of metal. But if a man is speaking enough, he can experiment and mix one type of metal with a different one, in the same manner as women nowdays mix silver with their gold accessories.

As mentioned, men can get a lot of ideas from celebrities on the runway and on the big screen. Blings (as people nowadays would call jewelry) of different shapes and sizes can be worn not only during formal events but also during casual events as well. If you will notice, it's generally applying a little fun and creativity during the preparation (of the whole getup) and attitude while wearing the ensemble that pulls off the trick.

If you will notice, rock stars and athletes alike have developed a liking for jewelry. While leather jackets and a good golf shirt can help them achieve the look that they want, nothing still beats to the style that jewelry adds to the whole look. That is because there's a piece of jewelry catered to their personality and interest. Gone are the days when cufflinks are only for formal events since they have limited designs. Nowadays, there are cufflinks for rock stars, for golf players, for poker players, for lawyers for doctors – name it they have it.

Yes, nowdays, the designs for men's jewelry are not just limited to being bigger than women's jewelry. Each design is now based on men's personalities, that's why there are bold, edgy, flashy, classic, conservative designs, to name a few. Fashion designers nowdays are bold enough to cater to the idea of ​​individuality among men that they carefully create designs that would suit each personality.

These days, for as long as you know your own personality and the personality of the person you're giving jewelry to, it would not be hard to pick out a jewelry that would fit one to a T.

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