February 11, 2025


Qualified fashion technicians

Indoor and Outdoor Jewelry Displays

Plan and invest effort, money, and time to create displays which will help to sell your handcrafted jewelry. The attractiveness of your display needs to compel a customer to stop at your location and see the jewelry creations. As you compete with other competitors’ side-by-side at indoor or outdoor shows, your display needs to attract and hold the attention of customers.

The style of jewelry which you create with your hands will help to determine how these articles should be displayed.

  1. Elegant jewelry will require an upscale background and commercial display racks
  2. Craft jewelry appears at its best surrounded by crafty knickknacks
  3. Leather and stone displays nicely among original uncut raw stone and animal hides
  4. Fashion jewelry is best displayed with high fashion apparel
  5. Specialty jewelry deserves its own unique support
  6. Children’s jewelry is enhanced by placing them with toys and children’s clothing

The items which you use to show off the jewelry will help the customer to see how the piece of jewelry which they are buying will look when they wear it with their garments.

A Thoughtless or Careless Display:

  1. Arranging an unappealing jewelry display will cause passersby to look and walk away
  2. Unattractive or inappropriate containers do not enhance the product line
  3. Jewelry scattered haphazardly sends a do not care attitude
  4. Too many pieces which present clutter will confuse and discourage shoppers

An attractive display shows that the artists have pride in their work and the artistic ability to display their creations to help the customer make a decision to buy. Solving the customers’ problems will sell more jewelry. Much effort and heart is given to creating a piece of jewelry; the same should be done when displaying your artwork.

We are guilty of wanting to show off every creation which we have made. However, this may cause a display area to look cluttered and will diminish the uniqueness of your creations. The customer may be overwhelmed by too much merchandise and will walk away from your table.

Showing less gives the customer a clear and detailed picture of whatever piece they are admiring. Let the customer ask if you have a different size or color and if you do, pull it from a stock box. Or perhaps, the customer may have a custom order. Conversations with customers will open opportunities for more sales.

Indoor and Outdoor Displays

The type of materials which will be used for displays rests heavily on the location. An indoor setup can be done with glass. Glass tops and counters, shelving and display cases may be used. Strategically placed mirrors offer luxury and the illusion of a large space.

Commercial retail stores have special display units or glass showcases to arrange their jewelry. These types of display cases may be considered for gold, silver, and gem jewelry. These cases are made of wood or plastic with locks and may also be considered for outdoor displays to keep jewelry safe and clean.

Outdoor shows require articles that will not blow away on a windy day or discolor or melt in the hot sun. The shelter needs to protect your merchandise from rain and other inclement weather. Free standing furniture needs to be reinforced. Use metal, plastic, and wood to offer stability and security for your merchandise. Arrange your creations for fast removal in inclement weather.

Making quality jewelry pieces, displaying them appropriately, and interacting with potential customers will increase your profit margin.

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