February 8, 2025


Qualified fashion technicians

Grocery 'Buy One Get One Free' Offers

My little heart just lights up whenever I see a buy one get free offer. Not only because I expect getting an item for free, but because if I play my cards right I can get two or more products for free. Here is how.

Buy one get one free offers are best when they are combined with a coupon. You can do this in a couple of ways. First, if you have either a free product coupon or a buy one get one free coupon, then apply that coupon to get two items for free. If your store allows it, do this deal multiple times and stock up on free items. Check product websites, your Sunday inserts and printable coupons for these types of coupons.

If you do not have a free product or a buy one get one free coupon, you can still get free products. Use a high value coupon or a coupon that will double or triple and cancel out the cost of the product to make both products free.

If the high value or double or triple coupon strategy does not work, there is still one more way to get free products. Check with the store to see if you actually have to buy two products. Many times, the product simply rings up as 50 percent off, even if you only buy one. This is one of those things that the stores do not really want you to realize. Take that 50 percent off product and combine it with a coupon. This just may make the product free.

With this last technique, you may or may not be able to stock up on a lot of product, depending on your store’s coupon policy. At the same time, you will not waste and extra product if you only needed one.

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